How PromoFarma reduced developer time spent on email by 70%
Executive summary
PromoFarma leverages a Sendwithus Connect database integration to efficiently deliver personalized, behavior-based email content to a wide variety of customers.
The challenge
With global expansion goals and a wide product catalog of beauty, health, baby products, and more, the PromoFarma team needed to improve their email workflow in order to reduce churn and gain market share in an highly competitive environment.
Competition is fierce due to the breadth of options available to customers, both online and locally, requiring PromoFarma to take a ‘customer-first’ approach in their email strategy. Sending the right email to the right customer at the right time is a top priority.
The Dyspatch solution
PromoFarma implemented a new email solution in late 2016: the Sendwithus email template management platform, combined with Jetlore for product recommendations and Mode Analytics for database insight.

Creating Customized Email Content in Sendwithus
Mode Analytics enables even non-technical members of PromoFarma’s team to easily write SQL queries. Once a query is written, it can then be copied into Sendwithus once and used infinite times.
Those queries are then used to pull data in real-time to create highly customized content using product recommendations via Jetlore.
The results
Personalized product recommendation emails based on past purchase history increased number of repeat purchases, and product interactions for favorited categories.
Further findings
PromoFarma’s personalized product recommendation emails, based on past purchase history and category favourites, significantly increased repeat purchases.
In addition, by using analytics to quickly query advanced segments directly within the database and build personalized emails in Sendwithus, the PromoFarma team achieved invaluable process improvements, reducing dependence on developers for email creation by as much as 70%.
As they look to expand across Europe, PromoFarma plans to use even more advanced segmentation based on multiple dimensions.
About PromoFarma
PromoFarma is an online health and wellness marketplace, featuring over 35,000 products sold directly from trusted, local pharmacies.
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